Laser Therapy in Professional Sports


    If you have read any of our blogs or pages about Laser Therapy, you know that it is a great option for treatment of a wide array of injuries. One of the main reasons a lot of people end up with injuries is from athletics. Competitive sports, especially at the professional level, push athletes to their limits. The salaries the players make demand they do everything in their power to win. When athletes are giving their all there are bound to be injuries; just watch an NFL game.

    With these athletes essentially being investments by the owners, there are whole teams of doctors on staff to ensure proper care and maintenance of the health of the athletes. One of the main focuses of sports medicine among professional teams is maximizing healing quality while minimizing recovery time. With quick and easy treatments along with the ability to not only accelerate the healing process but do so without any side effects, Laser Therapy is a no-brainer for Professional sports medicine staffs.

    The use of Laser Therapy has revolutionized treatment in the professional sports world including NBA, NFL, MLB, NHL, MLS and USA Cycling and Olympic athletes, as well as Ironman triathlon competitors, competitive runners, college athletes, and elite cross-fitters. In fact, it was widely reported that 10 members of the Patriots sought cold laser therapy treatments to treat minor injuries the week before they won the Super Bowl back in 2004. Laser Therapy has also been used in Equine and greyhound racing circuits for years.

    Here is an older video that the University of Florida made with another Class IV laser company. They explain many of the reasons that they use Laser Therapy and how it helps their athletes heal faster and better.

    If you are someone who loves sports and find yourself sidelined with an injury, you owe it to yourself to check out more information about Laser Therapy here, here and here get yourself back in the game!