6 Ways We are Changing Chiropractic!


    We are not your average chiropractor.

    Often times we will get a call from someone asking for the “quick crack and pop” relief or letting us know that “they know what is wrong and they just need someone to put it back in place”. If this is you, we will not be a good fit. Everyone has their preferences and that’s OK! We tell those callers upfront that we do not practice that way and we even provide them with information on local chiropractors who do. We are different and not everyone is impressed with our methods…at first.

    The doctors, Scott and Kallie Moore have developed a method of treatment that is completely unique in the world of chiropractic. Pulling from different teachings and advancements, they have developed a treatment that is effective, gentle and safe for all ages.

    1.We Don’t Do Pop and Crack Chiropractic

    : At a typical chiropractic office, you wait in the lobby, get called around a wall and lay down. The doctor comes up with some light conversation and *smack* *crackle* *pop*, you are up and out. Most people feel awesome after these types of adjustment and look for that with every visit. This is the endorphin rush. It is a natural high you get when you pop things like your neck or your fingers. It is relief. The issue with that is that it is very temporary. You come back again and again when the feeling wears off and that pain is still there. At our practice, we book 45 minute new patient appointments. This is so the doctor can go over your history, so you can have the time necessary to explain where the pain is coming from and what makes it worse or better. The doctor has the time to do a series of tests to pinpoint the exact CAUSE of your symptoms so it can be treated to the point where the pain does not come back. We treat the cause and not the symptoms

    2. We Spend Time With Our Patients

    : At our office, we focus on our patients and their individual care. The doctors have 15 minute appointment slots so they can discuss the patient’s progress in full. They have the time to let you know what is going on and what you can do to speed up your recovery. Dr. Scott goes into it more in this video. We have longer appointments to ensure that our patients are receiving all the guidance they need to get better faster. This ensures less visit frequency and less cost for our patients.

    3. Safe For All Ages

    : You may have been told recently to take your children to a chiropractor because chiropractic strengthens their body’s immune system and can even assist in behavioral issues. Sounds great, right? Then you start imagining your baby getting twisted up into a pretzel and change your mind.

    Here, our treatments are gentle and effective. The doctors do not use heavy handed, rotary based chiropractic moves in their adjustments. Their thought process is, “why would you use an aggressive, forceful treatment on an injury?” Their method uses a combination of hands and instruments with the addition of physical therapy and exercises to treat you. So it is safe for the elderly to pregnant women, car accidents, post-surgery patients and even newborns!

    Dr. Scott gives a brief overview of their use of hand and instrument chiropractic adjustment in this video.

    4. No Obligation

    : This was relatively new to me. I had no idea that other offices made their patients sign treatment contracts, where they are given a treatment plan and have to sign an agreement saying they will make their appointments for that length of time. Some offices have treatment contracts that span months! I had no idea this happened because at our office it is done with a hand shake. On your second chiropractic visit with our office, the doctor lets you know your individual treatment plan that has been specially formulated to meet your needs. They tell you when they would like to see you back and let you out the door. Our receptionist can get you scheduled to follow that plan …or not. It is completely up to you. We see your treatment as collaboration. The doctors do what they can to educate you on ways you can prolong the effects of your adjustment and exercises to strengthen muscles that will hold you were you want to be. They can educate you on your diet and posture while you are here but ultimately it is up to you to use their advice to speed your healing. Most patients we see come in regularly for chiropractic care for a couple months after an injury and then we don’t see them again for a long time because we have worked together to treat the cause of their pain instead of treating their symptoms. If we work together, you get better and that is all we want.

    5. We incorporate Physical Therapy:

    : Part of the collaboration of care between you and the chiropractors here is the incorporation of physical therapy into your daily routine. When we get down to the cause of your pain, a lot of it stems from things like poor posture, holding your purse on one arm more than the other, crossing your legs or staring at your cell phone for hours. These things may seem insignificant but when you think of the accrual of time you have spent daily doing things like this, it wears on the body over the days, weeks and months of repetitive motions. Dr. Scott goes into how they incorporate physical therapy into your chiropractic visits here.

    6. We like to keep it fun

    : Before I worked here, when I was a patient years ago, I was in a car accident and in a lot of pain. I sought out a chiropractor and Moore Chiropractic popped up number one on Yelp. I made an appointment and on my first day was greeted by the friendliest staff I had ever encountered and my doctor spent almost an hour and a half explaining exactly what was going on with me, what our goals were and even walked me through the process of dealing with my claim. He did all of this amidst high fives, jokes and conversation that made me feel comfortable in their office. That is an example of how we like our patients to experience their care here. These doctors are young and fun but they know exactly what they are doing and are very serious about the care they provide. They make each visit fun and our staff will always make you feel welcomed in our office. Laughter is the best medicine they say, so why not help our patients smile.