4 Interesting Facts About Chiropractic That Will Adjust Your Thinking

    With Chiropractic making its way out of the “alternative care” niche more and more every day, we think it’s important to let you know a few things about this more modern approach to healthcare


    With Chiropractic making its way out of the “alternative care” niche more and more every day, we think it’s important to let you know a few things about this more modern approach to healthcare that may surprise you

    1. Back Pain is the Number One Activity Limitation in Young People

    In this generation of natural healing, organic foods and coconut oil for EVERYTHING, young adults are starting to realize that they are not invincible. We are beginning to focus more on our health and ensuring that we are in good shape for the years to come.

    With this realization, many have begun to look into chiropractic care. Back Pain is the #1 activity limitation for young people in America, with most of the documented cases occurring in patients under 45 . If the issue stays untreated it will just continue to become more severe as you age.

    We see so many patients that say they haven’t seen a chiropractor because they are “too young” for back issues. If anything, young people need to be seeing a chiropractor more often to ensure that they keep their bodies performing at their peak efficiency to ensure little problems don’t develop into much larger ones as they age. We are most active earlier in our life which leaves more room for injury and overexertion.

    2. Female Chiropractors Are Just As Capable As Male Chiropractors 

    Female chiropractors can hold their own. Chiropractic is a very physical profession that requires things like thrust in certain adjustments. This can be a concern a patient may have when they are much larger than their petite female doctor.

    When researchers at the University of Victoria pitted the abilities of 14 male chiropractors against 14 female chiropractors, they found that female chiropractors are just as capable of administering the same level of adjustment.

    3. Silencing Sneeze-onal Allergies

    Step Away From The Tissues…
    There are many wonderful aspects to spring. Warmer weather, flowers, love is in the air once more. Do you know what else is in the air though? Allergens. Pollen, Dander, Dust from spring cleaning, basically a punch in the face, riding on each spring breeze for seasonal allergy sufferers. We fill our baskets to the brim every year with anything to relieve the effects when really we should just be going to the chiropractor.  They go into it more here but essentially your stress response systems such as the immune system become stronger which will increase your tolerance to allergens and help you recover quicker when you do get hit.

    4. The Chiropractor May Actually Give Your Child An Attitude Adjustment 

    Very few people realize that they should be taking their little ones in to see a chiropractor! It’s like we think that since they are young bucks, they won’t have the weight of the world rounding their shoulders. In actuality though, chiropractic plays a huge role in positively affecting the nervous system. Researchers have proposed that a large majority of issues small children have that we just write off as “normal” (irritability, poor sleep, developmental delays, headaches, colic, etc.) may be the result of poor communication of the nervous system.

    They say that kids are made of rubber, meaning they just bounce and fall without much effect all day long. It might appear that they are invincible but in reality they can’t be taking all those trips and tumbles without eventually knocking something out of alignment. Chiropractic can help repair the communication errors so that your child’s nervous system can operate at its highest efficiency. If you enjoyed this post, please help us spread the word by sharing it!

    Learn more about our approach to chiropractic here!